My working principles







The project builds opportunities for learning and insights.
The insights can be expected to produce meaningful value for the organisation as well as the people within the organisation.

Yes, let’s go!




The work has the potential to influence, challenge and change the way people think and act.
The change in thinking can be verified by people acting differently.

Yes, yes, yes!




Honesty brings wonderful simplicity to an otherwise complex world. I say what I mean, and I do what I say, and I expect no less from my clients. Hidden agendas are heavy to carry; let’s make our joint journey a light one.


I approach concepting work through:



Does making a complex issue look simple make it easier to understand? Sometimes, to a degree.

But every bit of simplification removes a handle that someone might have needed, and used, to open the door to their own insight.

I strongly believe that a degree of richness—a richness of detail, color and emotion—is helpful in creating insights and connections.



Digging deeper

Have you ever wanted something different and yet asked for the thing you already know?

We tend to want things that we are aware of, and have words for. But is what you know to ask for the thing your organisation and your people need?

I promise not to just take your word for what you want, but push a little bit further to see if we can’t find a fresh creative concept that is uniquely fitting for you and the culture of your organisation. This, for me, is the real concepting work.